Saturday, September 27, 2008

Satyam top brass go on stock-selling spree

Even while assuring its employees and stakeholders that all's well at Satyam Computer Services, despite the US economy slowing down and the various hurdles Indian IT companies are facing, senior management executives of the NYSE-listed IT firm are on a stock-selling spree.

About half a dozen top executives of the company have offloaded over 1.5 lakh shares in the last few days.

Interestingly, Satyam's Chief Financial Officer, Srinivas Vadlamani, too, is among those top executives who have bundled out their shares. Apart from Vadlamani, the sellers include T. Hari, the company's global head of marketing communications, K. Sriram (part of consulting team), Manish Mehta (head of SAP practice), Kiran Cavale (head of business intelligence and data warehousing, and Venkat Kumar Raju. The list of sellers also includes Vinod Dham, who is on the board of directors of the company.


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